‘Balance is the basis for an energetic life’
Clinical PsychoNeuroImmunology (cPNI) is an integral and modern medicine discipline with an evolutionary approach. This branch of medicine connects scientific knowledge with; (epi)genetics, psychology, neurology, biochemistry, immunology, endocrinology, sociology, physiotherapy, kinesiology and orthomolecular nutrition.
This combined knowledge ensures that all parts of the human body are examined and the cooperation between them are looked at.
Due to the in depth look through the body with a multi-disciplinary lens, it is able to provide a targeted and personalised action plan for each unique patient encourage a vital and healthy life
Clinical Psycho-Neuro-Immunology
What is cPNI?
Lack of energy
Sleeping problems
Mood disorders
Hormonal imbalance
Thyroid disorders
Who is cPNI for?
cPNI can be helpful for people who suffer from any or more of the following symptoms: :
Intestinal and stomach disorders
Irritable bowel syndrome
Chron’s disease or ulcerative colitis
Joint inflammations
Pain complaints
Inflamed muscles or tendons
Auto-immune diseases
Rheumatoid arthritis
Personalised Treatment
Connect the dots
Explore the possible causes of your symptoms together with me as cPNI-therapist. This involves looking at your personal and medical history, environmental risk-factors and any physical and/or mental challenges you are currently facing.
Empowering your body
A personal treatment plan is set-up including a look at nutrition & supplements, exercise, breathing, rest, hot & cold stressors and emotional support.
Personal one-to-one coaching towards recovery
The aim of cPNI treatment is to boost your vitality, and provide more resilience, in order to give you back the confidence in your own body again.
The feasibility of the personal action plan is closely monitored by me and, where necessary, adjusted for you.
‘There is a way to vitality for everyone, as long as you are curious about the solution’ -
& that’s me!